For two weekends in February, OluKai was invited to participate in the annual Buffalo Big Board Surfing Classic at Makaha Beach on Oahu. This event has become a collective expression of giving back for the past 38 years and is recognized internationally among the surfing community. Over 130 surfers, canoe surfers and body boarders participated in the event, and over 4,000 families camped along the beach throughout the weekends. Two of the most popular events were canoe surfing and the always fun SUPsquaching. Winners from the contests walked away with OluKai products and were beyond excited to be part of this tradition. OluKai would like to thank the Keaulana Ohana for allowing us to participate and we look forward to future Buffalo Big Board Surfing Classics!
For more information about the Buffalo Big Board Surfing Classic visit: http://www.buffalosurfingclassic.com/