Founded in 2010 with the goal of bringing together artists from all over the world, POW!WOW! has evolved into an amazing mural creation festival that has hosted hundreds of artists in over 10 different cities and countries. OluKai is proud to partner with this vibrant artist community that POW!WOW! brings together, starting with the first festival of 2017, in Honolulu.
The festival takes place in Kaka‘ako district of Honolulu, and over 60 artists spend the week climbing ladders and high up on lifts as they sketch, paint and spray walls anywhere from 10 to 100 feet high! When they're not working on their gorgeous pieces, you can catch them around town grabbing coffee or checking out the local community, as well as at a number of the nightly gallery showings, movie premieres and concerts.
Follow along here and on our social media channels as we meet the artists, talk story with the local community, attend special events, and share our experiences from our week at POW!WOW! Hawai'i.

POW!WOW! Long Beach kicks off July 16th and runs through the 22nd. This is the third year that POW!WOW! is hosted in Long Beach. This year an A-list roster of global artists will come to the city and transform the walls into beautiful pieces of art. During the week, the Long Beach community is encouraged to check out the transformation of the walls in the area as well as attend exclusive panel discussions and events held by the team of POW!WOW! Long Beach.
The week kicks off with the opening of the official POW!WOW! Long Beach Pop-Up shop at Made by Millworks. Monday - Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia will hold a press conference welcoming the artists to the community and celebrating the beautification of the city through these murals. Tuesday is a special panel discussion with Jeff Staple who will be discussing the career and work with artists Adele Renault. Wednesday we will be co-hosting a talk with brand ambassador Tatiana Suarez at the Museum of Latin American Art.
The week will close out with an OluKai hosted event Saturday July 22nd. This will be a collaborative event with artist Mike Giant. In true art battle style the event will host 96 local contestants painting on temporary walls and one winner will take home the grand prize of $1,000 cash.
Join us for food, coffee and music all day at the Varden Hotel Parking Lot located on Pacific ave. Follow along as we share the happenings of the week @OluKai#PowWowLongBeach.
Join us for a hosted Graffiti Writing Contest
JULY 22ND, 2017 FROM 10 AM TO 8 PM

This year's POW!WOW! Hawaii kicks off on February 11th and runs through the 18th. As over 60 artists gather in the Kaka‘ako neighborhood, the creative energy becomes contagious. Each artist has been given a designated wall or space on which to create, and as they begin to work on their pieces the energy of the people and place plays a role in the creative process. Many of the murals created during the week embody and embrace the Hawaiian culture, landscape, colors, and people. The week gets off to a roaring start Saturday night, and doesn't slow down until Sunday morning. With events running day and night all week - whether it be gallery showings, talk story with select artists, break dance battles, and movie premieres, there is never a dull moment. Monday we will be kicking things off at Lana Lane Studios, a collaborative space home to a number of artists, that doubles as the headquarters and rendezvous spot for the week. Tuesday night sees a gallery showing at Lana Lane Studios, featuring smaller pieces by many of the artists involved in the mural festival. Wednesday we will check in with our good friends Wooden Wave, as they work on their piece just down the road from their studio in Lana Lane. Thursday night we are hosting the premiere of Saving Banksy at Kaka‘ako Agora, located in the heart of the neighborhood where the festival takes place. This also features a special question and answer with the creators of the films. We hope to see you there! And of course, at the end of the week all the artists come together to celebrate the community, each other and the beautiful work they have created over the 7 day festival. Follow along as we share in POW!WOW! Hawaii 2017. @OluKai #PowWowHawaii.
Join us for a special premiere of Saving Banksy